Personal lines insurance

Keep up with all the headline stories in personal lines insurance.

Personal lines coverage is all about understanding each customer's unique needs.

By sharing the latest news and insights with you, we can help you meet those needs.

Wildfire defense guide

Wildfire defense guide

Natural disasters such as wildfires are scary, but having a plan in place can give you peace of mind and a sense of control.

Stormy weather? Prioritize protecting your home

Stormy weather? Prioritize protecting your home

It's not your imagination. Weather has become more volatile in recent years, and the frequency and severity of convective storms has been on the rise.

Adapting to a catastrophe-prone market

Adapting to a catastrophe-prone market

Catastrophic events are on the rise. Since 1980, 338 weather and climate disasters have each resulted in a billion-dollar-plus loss, adding up to a staggering $2.295 trillion. With no end to this concerning trend in sight, insurers are taking various approaches to riding out the proverbial storm.

Prices on the rise? Your coverage should be, too

Prices on the rise? Your coverage should be, too

The issue of inflation isn't just impacting what you pay at the pump and in the grocery store. Its effects are far-reaching, and that includes property, construction materials and all points in between. Factor in ongoing supply chain issues that emerged in full force during the pandemic along with a tight labor market, and it's no wonder that industries far and wide are feeling pinched.

Home makeover demand remains high despite inflation, supply issues

Home makeover demand remains high despite inflation, supply issues

Among the most common and damaging of natural hazards are thunderstorms, also referred to as severe convective storms. Lightning, tornadoes, straight-line winds, hail and torrential rain from these weather events result in substantial property damage.

Opportunity in E&S

Opportunity in E&S

David Nelson, Executive Vice President, E&S Wholesale for Nationwide, E&S and Specialty, said that surplus lines insurers can respond to the market needs of agents and brokers much more quickly than the standard market.


Storm-related losses are on the rise

Among the most common and damaging of natural hazards are thunderstorms, also referred to as severe convective storms. Lightning, tornadoes, straight-line winds, hail and torrential rain from these weather events result in substantial property damage.


Managing the growing threat of wildfires

The risk of extreme wildfires isn't going away anytime soon. Hotter summers and other extreme weather coupled with lingering drought have created the ideal environment for intense, large-scale wildfire events over a longer season, in the U.S. and around the world.


A proactive approach to catastrophes

With catastrophes on the rise and the standard market pulling out of high-risk areas, the prospects for E&S also soar. Learn how Nationwide E&S is using data to create a better-balanced portfolio, it's also creating opportunities for its agency partners to grow their book.


Investing in standout claims service is good business

The quality of claims service can make or break the satisfaction of insureds—and the reputation of insurers. After all, if policyholders are unhappy with the level of support they receive when making a claim, there's nothing stopping them from taking their business elsewhere when it's time to renew.


Protecting yourself when the coast calls

Many people are lured to the Atlantic and Gulf coasts for the ocean breezes, sweeping vistas and the laid-back lifestyle having a home by the water provides. However, it's important that they consider another less desirable part of dwelling by the seaside: the risk of hurricanes.


Modernizing rating for a changing world

Insurance companies have a tall order ahead of them when pricing their products. They have to charge enough to cover losses, expenses and profit and keep their rates low enough to remain competitive in the market—all while complying with state regulations.